Monday, April 4, 2011

Textured Beauty of the Day

We have the Beautiful Precious here to share her experience with her textured hair.

CNB: How long have you been natural?

Precious: My name is Precious and I have been natural since November 2009. I transitioned with braids/twists for approximately 9 months and BC’d November 22, 2009.

CNB: What made you go natural?

Precious: I got braids because I wanted a protective style so I wouldn’t have to do my hair everyday. I have a full-time and part-time job. I’m also a doctoral student and cater events from time to time. My schedule does not permit much time for styling and keeping up with relaxed styles. Every time I would go back to get my hair redone, I’d have the braider cut my split ends. I saw the growth and wanted to try the natural thing again. I was natural for a year in 1999. I didn’t know what to do with my hair then, so I relaxed it again. I always knew that the chemical was not good for my hair, but relaxed anyway,thinking that was the only thing I could do with my hair. I would also see these beautiful women around rocking all textures of natural hair and I loved them all.

CNB: What you do you like about being natural vs being relaxed?

I love the texture of my natural hair and I love that I can wear it curly or straight, without
the chemical.

CNB: What do others say about your natural hair?

Precious: People love my hair. I get so many compliments and questions about what products I use and “how do you get your hair like that”. I never really got compliments on that tired old wrap when I was relaxed.

CNB: How do you feel about yourself now that you are natural?

Precious: I feel more confident for some reason. I feel like I can do more and accomplish
anything. I feel more in charge when I rock my fro.

CNB: Have you inspired others?

Precious: Yes, I have inspired others. It feels so weird that my hair can inspired others, but it has.
Many of my friends have gone natural and others are transitioning. It feels great to
share with them what I have learned and what I’m still learning.

CNB: What is your basic routine for your textured hair?

Precious: Sunday – Co-Wash – Braid/Plait
Monday – Wednesday – Braidout
Thursday – Friday – Puff
Saturday – Ayurvedic Powder Deep Condition Treatment – Afro

Shea Moisture and Eco Styler with Argan Oil are my favorites at the moment.

CNB: What do you want others to know about being natural?

Precious: I want others to know that you being natural is something you have to want for yourself.
You have to be an individual and love the skin and “hair” you are in. Love your own
curls and kinks; and find what works for you. I love my natural!!!!

Please Check Precious out on YouTube and Facebook: CurlyPrecious

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