Thursday, June 16, 2011

My new wash n go combo

Ok Finally!  This is what I've been liking for a wash n go combo.  S curl activator spray and eco styler gel. How I do it is I spray the activator first and then apply gel.  Lately I have also started letting my hair
 airdry a little
before applying products.  This method seems to minimize shrinkage! 


  1. Very nice. I'll have to try it out as I haven't yet perfected the wash 'n' go; but, I did have a bit of luck doing one on my own.

    I know with a LOT of practice and the right combo of products, I'll get them to the point where everything is on hit.

  2. Chells YamanddumplinJune 16, 2011 at 10:15 PM

    excellent...I have to try this or some similar activator and gel combo...I've been doing WnGs for about 1 week now w/ La Bella gel but my hair looks great but is crunchy

  3. @ Tira Let me know how it work! Washngo's do take practice but once you get it you will love them and they will be your go to style!

    @Chells Try using scrunching the crunch out with shea moisture. Only use a little bit at a time though. The activator under the gel will help!
